Monday, December 16, 2013

Rise and Shine! 5 Reasons To Add a Morning Workout to your Daily Routine

1. It will wake you up and manage stress

Sometimes a cup of coffee in the morning isn't enough to wake you up and get you ready for class or that big meeting. Try light aerobic exercise, stretching or yoga to help loosen stiff muscles and get your blood flowing. It's a great way to relieve any stress or anxiety that you may have for the day.

2. It improves sleep

Feel like you can never get enough sleep? A recent study from Appalachian State University showed that morning exercise can improve sleep and even lower blood pressure!

3. Jumpstart your metabolism

Working out in the morning is a great way to jumpstart your metabolism, and you will keep burning calories all day long.

4. Avoid Scheduling Issues

Everyone may have plans to hit the gym or go for a run after work, but many times it gets cancelled because of work, kids, etc. Wake up 30 minutes earlier and fit in a morning workout before your hectic day starts.

5. Less Aches and Pains

For people with arthritis, back or neck pain, and muscular aches, morning stretches and light exercises will improve morning stiffness and prevent the pain from getting worse throughout the day.

If you are planning do more strenuous activities such as weight training or distance running, don't forget to eat a light, protein- rich snack before you start. Add a morning workout to your daily routine and start feeling better today! Look out for exercise ideas in my post on great fat-burning workouts you can do at home!

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