Monday, January 27, 2014

6 Flat Tummy Secrets Everyone Nees to Know

Everyone sees pictures of women with insanely flat tummies in magazines, online, on pinterest, and then they go and try to do 200 crunches thinking that eventually they will look like that.  Here are the flat tummy secrets that nobody has told you!

1. Don't Do 200 crunches!
Yes, crunches are great, but don't focus on doing a million crunches, this won't give you what you're looking for. Instead focus on cardio. If you want a flat tummy, do high intensity cardio 3-4 days a week. On your off days, do cross training and abdominal toning that targets, abs, obliques, and the back. See my No Equipment Needed Home Workout Series-Abs post for some great ideas. What does this combination do for you? High intensity cardio will burn calories and target fat in the mid-section. Crosstraining will tone upper abs, lower abs, obliques and back muscles to give you a strong, defined core.

2. High fiber
A high fiber diet will help you lose weight and stay healthy. Focus on getting more fruits and leafy veggies in your daily meals. Constipation will make you feel bloated. Try oatmeal daily for breakfast to jumpstart your metabolism, and to avoid constipation.

3. High Protein
A high protein diet will keep you feeling full without making you feel bloated like carbs will. Try doing  80% protein and 20% carbs if you are going to be doing high intensity cardio. 

4. Water
The best detox is water. Don't try fad "detox diets." Rather, drink some water with a slice of lemon. You can try hot water with lemon as well as an alternative to tea. 

5. Relax
Stress increases cortisol, which can really add to your weight gain. Try to relax and make sure you are getting at least 8 hours of sleep. It may seem trivial but it truly helps!

6. Don't compare yourself airbrushed pictures
Don't compare yourself to women in magazine pictures with tan washboard abs and a size 0 waist. Just focus on getting a strong core and being the healthiest version of yourself that you can be! Everyone has a different body type. Once you can truly embrace your body, exercise, and eat right, you will have the confidence you need to bear you bikini-ready tummy!

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