Thursday, January 16, 2014

Friday's Featured Food- Oatmeal

Friday's Featured Food-Oatmeal I should start off this post by admitting that I absolutely used to hate oatmeal. But after realizing how good it is for you, I started to force myself to eat it. Eventually, I found ways to make it taste amazing! Now its a breakfast staple that I can't go without. Check  out the benefits of oatmeal and one of my favorite recipes! 

What's so great about it?

1. Reduces Cholesterol: Studies have shown that oatmeal can actually reduce your cholesterol. LDL has been shown to decrease in just 6 weeks of oatmeal consumption in people with mild to moderately elevated cholesterol in one chinese study.  Improving your cholesterol profile can reduce your risk of heart disease.

2. Lots of Fiber: Oats contain B-D-Glucan or B-Glucan, a soluble fiber. Besides regulating your system, the fiber also plays a role in reducing your cholesterol. One cup of Oatmeal has 4g of fiber. Women should strive to get at least 20-25g daily.

3. Slims the waistline: The study found that people in the group eating oatmeal saw a 1.27 cm reduction in waist circumference compared to the control group who ate a standard carbohydrate meal (they gained 0.85 cm). One cup of oatmeal has 6g of protein! The high protein and fiber content make it a great supplement to your diet. It will keep you full all morning and prevent you from snacking before lunch.

4. It does wonders for your skin!: When used topically, oatmeal is great and its used in many creams, soaps, and lotions. It has phenols which possess antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.  If you want to cleanse and soothe sensitive skin, try an oatmeal bath. For those of you with dry skin, atopic dermatitis, psoriasis, or acne try using an oatmeal based cream or moisturizer. It has been shown to clinically reduce itching, redness, and inflammation.;year=2012;volume=78;issue=2;spage=142;epage=145;aulast=Pazyar

Oatmeal & Berry Breakfast Smoothie

This smoothie is a great way to have breakfast on the go. It is packed with antioxidants, fiber, and protein. It will keep you full and energized all morning long! Just blend it up and pour it into a travel mug on your way out the door.


1 cup frozen strawberries
1 cup frozen blueberries
1/2 cup oatmeal
1 banana
1 tsp honey

Combine all the ingredients in a blender. Adjust the amount of ice/water for the consistency that you desire. Many oatmeal smoothies online use fruit juices instead of water. This only adds extra sugar. If you find that your smoothie isn't holding you over until lunch, throw in 1/2 cup of greek yogurt for some extra protein!

What are some of your favorite ways to incorporate oatmeal in your diet? Be sure to comment and let me know if you have any good recipes!

1 comment:

  1. This looks delicious. I definitely needed this because I don't really like to eat oatmeal with milk. This is a great way to incorporate it; I'll definitely be trying this.
