Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Tips For Sticking With Your New Year's Fitness Resolution!

New year, new resolutions..or so you think. If many of you are like me, you are guilty of saying, "This is the year I'll finally get in shape."Unfortunately by the time February rolls around, many of us have not been able to stick to our goals. Here are some great tips for making this year the year you stick to your resolution!

1. Make Small, Attainable Goals
The biggest mistake many of us make is setting a goal that seems daunting. Don't tell yourself, "I need to lose 50lbs!" Instead, make stepwise goals such as walking for 10 minutes more each day, losing 4lbs/month, or joining a class once a week. This way you will feel a sense of accomplishment and have the motivation to keep going. Also, if you haven't worked out in a while, its better to start off slow and steady!

2. Document Your Progress
Document your weight loss or fitness goals on a calendar. This way you are organized and you can keep track of how you've been doing.

3. Find a Buddy
Working out by yourself can be difficult. Try to get a friend, neighbor, coworker, or significant other to join you at the gym or for a walk. This way you can motivate one another, and working out becomes a great way of catching up! 

4. Switch it Up
If you are used to walking or using the elliptical like many girls are, try switching up your routine! There is a terrible misconception that if girls lift weights they will become too muscular and manly. Weight lifting is a great and burns more calories than aerobic exercise. Some other things to try are gym classes like zumba, kickboxing, bootcamp, or yoga. Also, try learning a new sport! Switching up your workout routine will work different muscle groups and tone other areas of the body. Plus the new year is the perfect time to put yourself outside your comfort zone and try something new.

5. Avoid Fad Diets
Fad diets are the worst thing that you can do to yourself. The healthiest thing to do is to eat healthy the old school way. Stick to plenty of water, fruits, vegetables, whole wheat carbs, and protein. Avoid fried foods and sweets. Its simple! Also, regulate your portion sizes.

6. Just Because You Joined The Gym Doesn't Mean You'll Lose Weight
This saying is posted in the gym I go to and it's so true. Joining a gym is great, but if you don't make an effort to go consistently and to eat right at the same time, you will never attain the results you're looking for. 

7. Be Patient
Weight loss can be frustrating because once you start going to the gym doesn't mean the pounds will magically come off. It also doesn't mean you will be able to magically lift your body weight or run 5 miles.  If you are not getting the results you expected, just be patient. Also, consulting a nutritionist or personal trainer for new ideas or techniques may help get you out of a rut.

Get out there and get moving ladies! Leave a comment and let me know how your workout routine is working for you!

1 comment:

  1. Couldn't be more true! I love staying in shape and going to the gym, but having someone to work out with really helps me and keeps me motivated!
