Monday, January 27, 2014

6 Flat Tummy Secrets Everyone Nees to Know

Everyone sees pictures of women with insanely flat tummies in magazines, online, on pinterest, and then they go and try to do 200 crunches thinking that eventually they will look like that.  Here are the flat tummy secrets that nobody has told you!

1. Don't Do 200 crunches!
Yes, crunches are great, but don't focus on doing a million crunches, this won't give you what you're looking for. Instead focus on cardio. If you want a flat tummy, do high intensity cardio 3-4 days a week. On your off days, do cross training and abdominal toning that targets, abs, obliques, and the back. See my No Equipment Needed Home Workout Series-Abs post for some great ideas. What does this combination do for you? High intensity cardio will burn calories and target fat in the mid-section. Crosstraining will tone upper abs, lower abs, obliques and back muscles to give you a strong, defined core.

2. High fiber
A high fiber diet will help you lose weight and stay healthy. Focus on getting more fruits and leafy veggies in your daily meals. Constipation will make you feel bloated. Try oatmeal daily for breakfast to jumpstart your metabolism, and to avoid constipation.

3. High Protein
A high protein diet will keep you feeling full without making you feel bloated like carbs will. Try doing  80% protein and 20% carbs if you are going to be doing high intensity cardio. 

4. Water
The best detox is water. Don't try fad "detox diets." Rather, drink some water with a slice of lemon. You can try hot water with lemon as well as an alternative to tea. 

5. Relax
Stress increases cortisol, which can really add to your weight gain. Try to relax and make sure you are getting at least 8 hours of sleep. It may seem trivial but it truly helps!

6. Don't compare yourself airbrushed pictures
Don't compare yourself to women in magazine pictures with tan washboard abs and a size 0 waist. Just focus on getting a strong core and being the healthiest version of yourself that you can be! Everyone has a different body type. Once you can truly embrace your body, exercise, and eat right, you will have the confidence you need to bear you bikini-ready tummy!

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Friday's Featured Food- Oatmeal

Friday's Featured Food-Oatmeal I should start off this post by admitting that I absolutely used to hate oatmeal. But after realizing how good it is for you, I started to force myself to eat it. Eventually, I found ways to make it taste amazing! Now its a breakfast staple that I can't go without. Check  out the benefits of oatmeal and one of my favorite recipes! 

What's so great about it?

1. Reduces Cholesterol: Studies have shown that oatmeal can actually reduce your cholesterol. LDL has been shown to decrease in just 6 weeks of oatmeal consumption in people with mild to moderately elevated cholesterol in one chinese study.  Improving your cholesterol profile can reduce your risk of heart disease.

2. Lots of Fiber: Oats contain B-D-Glucan or B-Glucan, a soluble fiber. Besides regulating your system, the fiber also plays a role in reducing your cholesterol. One cup of Oatmeal has 4g of fiber. Women should strive to get at least 20-25g daily.

3. Slims the waistline: The study found that people in the group eating oatmeal saw a 1.27 cm reduction in waist circumference compared to the control group who ate a standard carbohydrate meal (they gained 0.85 cm). One cup of oatmeal has 6g of protein! The high protein and fiber content make it a great supplement to your diet. It will keep you full all morning and prevent you from snacking before lunch.

4. It does wonders for your skin!: When used topically, oatmeal is great and its used in many creams, soaps, and lotions. It has phenols which possess antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.  If you want to cleanse and soothe sensitive skin, try an oatmeal bath. For those of you with dry skin, atopic dermatitis, psoriasis, or acne try using an oatmeal based cream or moisturizer. It has been shown to clinically reduce itching, redness, and inflammation.;year=2012;volume=78;issue=2;spage=142;epage=145;aulast=Pazyar

Oatmeal & Berry Breakfast Smoothie

This smoothie is a great way to have breakfast on the go. It is packed with antioxidants, fiber, and protein. It will keep you full and energized all morning long! Just blend it up and pour it into a travel mug on your way out the door.


1 cup frozen strawberries
1 cup frozen blueberries
1/2 cup oatmeal
1 banana
1 tsp honey

Combine all the ingredients in a blender. Adjust the amount of ice/water for the consistency that you desire. Many oatmeal smoothies online use fruit juices instead of water. This only adds extra sugar. If you find that your smoothie isn't holding you over until lunch, throw in 1/2 cup of greek yogurt for some extra protein!

What are some of your favorite ways to incorporate oatmeal in your diet? Be sure to comment and let me know if you have any good recipes!

Saturday, January 11, 2014

A 6 Week Runner's Guide For Beginners

Running is one of the cheapest ways to get in shape. For beginners, it can seem daunting at first, but over time you can build up to running more and more each day. As someone who has been running for years, the greater benefit for me is that it relieves stress, clears my head, and allows for some personal time. I love to say, running is cheaper than therapy!  This post is going to include everything a beginning runner needs to know, and a great schedule for starting out.

The Basics..

1. The Shoes: The single most important thing is that you find a running shoe that is comfortable on your foot. There is no best brand or type of shoe. When you go to the store, try both shoes on with a good pair of socks and walk around in them, even jump around or jog a few steps. Do not buy running shoes online unless you are buying the exact same pair you have worn previously. Also, I want to stress the comfort part. Running shoes these days come in all kinds of cute colors and styles, but be sure to go for comfort over looks.  Many people ask me about minimalist running shoes such as the five finger shoes. There have been no clinical trials demonstrating benefit, only individualized accounts. The theory behind these minimalist shoes is that it will develop and strengthen other muscles in the foot and adjust your running mechanism. I say, try whatever works for you and get what is most comfortable.

2. The gear: If you are running outside, make sure you dress warmly in the winter. A headband to cover your ears and gloves are usually essentials that people don't think about. In the summer, be sure to wear loose breathable fabrics. Most importantly, make sure you have a good, supportive, high impact sports bra!

3. The technique: This one my sound silly, but there is a proper technique to running. The most important tip is to run "lightly." What does that mean? With each stride, the midfoot and balls of your feet should hit the ground, not your heels or your toes! You should also avoid pounding on the pavement, light brisk strides on the balls of your feet make for proper running and helps to avoid injuries. As for your posture, I like this picture from

How to Start..

My recommendations for beginner runners are based on personal experience and evidence based medicine from

  • Beginners do well with an exercise program that combines running and walking for a set time, and then gradually increasing the time spent running
  • Running should be done no more than every other day for 20-30 minutes
  • I like to recommend this sequence for running: warm up, run, cool down, stretch. Contrary to popular belief, stretching at the end of your run instead of at the beginning is good for you! 
Here is my simple 6 week program to get you started!

Week 1

Warm up: 20 jumping jacks, walk 1 min, power walk 1 min
Run: Run for 2 min, Walk for 2 min. Continue this sequence 5 times for a total of 20 min.
Cool down: Walk for 5 min

Week 2

Warm up: 20 jumping jacks, walk 1 min, power walk 2 min
Run: Run for 3 min, Walk for 1 min. Continue this sequence 5 times for a total of 20 min.
Cool down: Walk for 5 min

Week 3

Warm up: 30 jumping jacks, walk 1 min, power walk 2 min
Run: Run for 4 min, Walk for 1 min. Continue this sequence 5 times for a total of 25 min.
Cool down: Walk for 5 min

Week 4

Warm up: 30 jumping jacks, walk 1 min, power walk 2 min
Run: Run for 5 min, walk for 30 sec. Continue 5 times for a total of 27min 30 sec
Cool down: Walk for 6 min

Week 5

Warm up: 40 jumping jacks, walk 1 min, power walk 2 min
Run: Run for 6 min walk for 1 min. Continue 5 times for a total of 35 min
Cool down: Walk for 6 min

Week 6

Warm up: 40 jumping jacks, walk 1 min, power walk 2 min
Run: Run for 7 min walk for 30 sec. Continue 5 times for a total of 38min 30 sec
Cool down: Walk for 6 min 

There you have it! Try my 6 week running schedule and then continue to build on your own, adding more time running. Once you have mastered it, you can start over and alternate between a fast paced jog and a slow paced jog. Let me know if you have any questions! Comment below and let me know how your progress is going!

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Take Care of Your Health in 2014

Hello ladies! Being healthy isn't just about being fit and eating healthy, its about keeping up with your health maintenance and regular doctor's appointments. Be sure to schedule these in 2014 if they apply to you!

HPV Vaccine
Although the HPV vaccine is recommended for teens, women can get the vaccine through the age of 26. For more information, you can visit

Cervical Cancer Screening
A pap smear is recommended for all women ages 21-65.

Yes, everyone dreads them, but they can be life saving. The USPSTF recommends screening for all women 50-74 years old. If your breasts tend to be tender afterwards, try taking some tylenol before your mammograms. In addition, it is good practice to perform a self breast exam regularly.

Flu Shot
The flu season runs through February so make sure that you get vaccinated, especially if you are pregnant or elderly.

Dental Cleaning
Every 6 months you should visit your dentist for a cleaning. This is one of those things that people always put off, but dental hygiene is very important!

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Tips For Sticking With Your New Year's Fitness Resolution!

New year, new resolutions..or so you think. If many of you are like me, you are guilty of saying, "This is the year I'll finally get in shape."Unfortunately by the time February rolls around, many of us have not been able to stick to our goals. Here are some great tips for making this year the year you stick to your resolution!

1. Make Small, Attainable Goals
The biggest mistake many of us make is setting a goal that seems daunting. Don't tell yourself, "I need to lose 50lbs!" Instead, make stepwise goals such as walking for 10 minutes more each day, losing 4lbs/month, or joining a class once a week. This way you will feel a sense of accomplishment and have the motivation to keep going. Also, if you haven't worked out in a while, its better to start off slow and steady!

2. Document Your Progress
Document your weight loss or fitness goals on a calendar. This way you are organized and you can keep track of how you've been doing.

3. Find a Buddy
Working out by yourself can be difficult. Try to get a friend, neighbor, coworker, or significant other to join you at the gym or for a walk. This way you can motivate one another, and working out becomes a great way of catching up! 

4. Switch it Up
If you are used to walking or using the elliptical like many girls are, try switching up your routine! There is a terrible misconception that if girls lift weights they will become too muscular and manly. Weight lifting is a great and burns more calories than aerobic exercise. Some other things to try are gym classes like zumba, kickboxing, bootcamp, or yoga. Also, try learning a new sport! Switching up your workout routine will work different muscle groups and tone other areas of the body. Plus the new year is the perfect time to put yourself outside your comfort zone and try something new.

5. Avoid Fad Diets
Fad diets are the worst thing that you can do to yourself. The healthiest thing to do is to eat healthy the old school way. Stick to plenty of water, fruits, vegetables, whole wheat carbs, and protein. Avoid fried foods and sweets. Its simple! Also, regulate your portion sizes.

6. Just Because You Joined The Gym Doesn't Mean You'll Lose Weight
This saying is posted in the gym I go to and it's so true. Joining a gym is great, but if you don't make an effort to go consistently and to eat right at the same time, you will never attain the results you're looking for. 

7. Be Patient
Weight loss can be frustrating because once you start going to the gym doesn't mean the pounds will magically come off. It also doesn't mean you will be able to magically lift your body weight or run 5 miles.  If you are not getting the results you expected, just be patient. Also, consulting a nutritionist or personal trainer for new ideas or techniques may help get you out of a rut.

Get out there and get moving ladies! Leave a comment and let me know how your workout routine is working for you!